

Book early and save

Book your holiday in advance for you and your family to get the best discounts!

For all bookings made with a minimum of 60 days from the date of arrival, get a 5% discount.

Safety is everything

Did you know that 80% of holiday cancellations occur within days of departure? Hotel Anna and BeSafe protect your holiday and that of your loved ones before and during your stay.

  1. CANCELLATION UNTIL THE DAY OF CHECK-IN AND THE REFUND OF UP TO 100% OF THE PREPAID AMOUNT for unforeseen events, such as illness (including COVID-19), hospital stay, accident, holiday cancellation, dismissal or re-employment.
  2. ASSISTANCE DURING YOUR STAY: from arrival to departure you can take advantage of health care, baggage guarantee, theft and roadside assistance.
    DEDICATED CUSTOMER SUPPORT before, during and after your stay.